Sunday 7 November 2010

Edgar Allan Poe Style Poem

Only just last Thursday ,I was underslept and thirsty only
Seven miles away from Sutton
On a bus that was not stopping
When I got off the bus I was nearly dropping
Each step I took was tiring and emotionally draining
Very tired after day working very hard at school
I was drowning in the darkness eyes nearly closing
I had to stay strong but something as taking over me slowly
I've got a crazy obsession with the creatures of the night
At this moment in time I was wishing the sun would just shine its bright light
Over me but I was falling into a deep deep sleep... In the middle of the street
Is anybody going to save me ?

I don't think its in the style but its scary ? :S

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Woods Poem

I just sit there,stare
In amazement I cannot describe this feeling
How beautiful the veiw is from my perspective
How ? Why ? What a beautiful creation nature
Nature can be so wonderful it takes my breath away
When I look at this space of grassland
I just start reminising about the old days
The days of my youth filled with joy and happiness
No problems at all nothing to worry about
The freedom to enjoy life to its fullest
I just stare,I dont turn around or to the side
Curious of what I may see when I turn..
Eventually I decide to turn and to my amazement
Its just darkness the total opposite of beautiness
How ? Why ? What is the creator of this fearfullness
I am feeling ? All I can see is darkness, the light fighting
to shine through to save me but the darkness is too much
I run as fast as my feet can take me
because there is a man sitting in the darkness...
What type of creator would sit in this evilness ?
Only someone who is not good but bad
What's this world come to, why can't everybody be good
Standing there trying to breathe
I feel trapped surrounded by darkness and a little light
The trees above me,like pillars my emotions just change
I feel like Samson, I just want to hold onto these trees and
Shake them with all my might and just hope that they will fall and let
The light through,I carry on walking I finally find the light
My veiw of the world has totally changed
There is too much craziness in this world and If I shout I feel like I won't be
heard but If I try then... Maybe I will ?

Sunday 3 October 2010

In gifted and talented this weeek we have been discussing cover versions...
For homework i have looked at the Alexandra verison of 'Hallalujah' compared to the original by Jeff Buckley. I like Alexandras version better beacuse its more modern and feminime and its my style of music.

Thursday 9 September 2010

Derren Brown channel 4 show

Today I watched the Derren Brown show on channel 4 and, I was quite amazed at the things that derren brown was making Matt do. In my opinion I think that what he does is amazing and beyond explanation it has a sort of supernatural element to it and it freaks me out. I am still wondering how he did all those insane things.It might be fake it might not you never know "seeing is believing" is what I believe .

Monday 19 July 2010

Introduction to Advertising

For this project, we have learnt about Maslow's Theory. He discussed audience's needs which helps us to identify the purpose behind adverts, for example, the need for affiliation. The advert could be about friendship and make the audience feel the need for the product to help them make friends.

We also learnt how to do radial and written analyses. We learnt to think about TAP when looking at adverts - text, audience, purpose. Furthermore, we learnt that analyses have four parts - label, describe the feature, analyse the connotations of the product and say how it attracts the audience.

From my product research, I learnt that adverts need slogans, product name, brand names and logo. Plus I have to consider the camera angles and distances, the image, colours and layout.